Monday 25 May 2009

"its so sad to only dream when you sleep"

This is a little explanation of a song by a band called Defiance, Ohio.

"it's easy to get so caught up in the gears of life (work, school, obligations, responsibilities) that we lost any sort of creative ambition or desire for ridiculous adventures, and so the only time we have to imagine is when we sleep. i originally had a line in the song that said "its so sad to only dream when you sleep," and i really think it's true. maybe if we allowed ourselves the time to take a step back and realize how wonderful our world can be (if we stop destroying it, that is) we could dream up all kinds of things for ourselves"

the link above is to their website where you can freely download their music (because they are that nice!). I really like their "folk punk" sound, I find them uplifting and they have good lyrics.

"i wish for you, friend, to lie down in peace
and i wish for you always to know..
that as long as we'll dream under these stars in the sky
that we've seen since the day we were born ..
to move but don't move too fast

for your dreams or your grandest of plans."

Lullabies by Defiance, Ohio


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