Started the day by adding an extra 15 minutes on my alarm clock each time it went off until I decided around 9.50 would be a good time to get going.
the sun was shining with hardly a cloud in the sky!
a couple friendly neighbours offered me a lift up the road...I considered saying "thanks but it's such a nice day, I'll walk" but I accepted their kind offer anyway!
I said my thanks, wished them both a nice day and headed for le bus!
when I got in the city I had a look in Schuh at the selection of Vans then headed to HMV...I really felt in the mood to buy a pop punk album but couldn't find anything that took my fancy. I browsed the music dvd section with little hope of finding anything I'd really want....HOWEVER! I stumbled across this little gem!

I cannot begin to explain how excited I was to find this! my jaw literally dropped! I quickly walked straight to the till, smiling from ear to ear!
I walked down Haymarket still in a good mood..I saw Starbucks were giving out free mini icy drinks, I took one, said cheers and carried on my way!
my plan was to meet my Mum for lunch when she finished work at 2...I had some time to kill so I thought I'd try to get a bit of work done for critical studies...(I'm studying Pschogeographies)
I looked through the questions to choose from but nothing seemed that exciting to me..stuff like "how important is it to preserve the history of a place"..that's kind of interesting but I don't want to write an essay on it
I wrote down some ideas to narrow down my choice and then I noticed I missed a couple choices, one of which said "describe your vision of a utopian city" which I'm pretty stoked to work on!
I liked this little sign below..

I picked up Sigur Ros' newest album on my way out. bought some new pens (Copic markers) to draw with from Jarrolds then met my Mum for lunch! as per usual we stopped off at BB's!
I let Mum listen to some of the old Sigur Ros stuff..I knew she'd recognise them!
headed to uni for my crit to explain what I've been doing the past few weeks! crits always go on for ages (2 hours to be exact) they can drag on but it's nice to hear people's ideas and we sat out in the sun.

as our current project is about the use of text in art a lot of people are into poetry and writing which is cool...most of it seemed very personal, stuff about break ups and loss...I respect those people for being able to be so honest in their work...when I try to convey anything serious in my work I worry it'll be over sentimental or cheesy. anyway I look forward to seeing people's projects progress!
I saw a pretty good tattoo book in Borders I might buy tomorrow, sometimes you can find really awful tattoo books but this had some old traditional style images which I really like...some of them seemed pretty basic too which makes me think I can easily develop them into my own style...
next I want to draw a deep sea diver!

"Some stop feeling love for every word that they once sung.
May I never lose my youth and If I do, may I be forgettable"
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