Got to The Marquee dead on 8 however due to Ritual having travel trouble it started alot later!
It was nice to see Lea, Joe and Mike but for some reason when I arrived I became all shy which sucked..I didn't know what to say to anyone and I became really aware of my awkward actions...this happens way too often at shows and I hate it!
probably because I'm not good at talking to people in groups but anyway!
there was a kid dancing without a care in the middle of the group for around an hour which was funny! I wish I was as stoked on life as him! he turned down cherryade a couple times because all he cared about was dancing...what a legend!
despite the late start all the bands were ace! they all put alot of energy into their performance's and the turn out of people seemed decent enough!
Dyson showed up during Jealous' set after a long day working at Mango...much respect to her for supporting her friends
It was ace to see her as always and she helped get rid of my rubbish "show shyness"
next show....This Is Hell on Sunday...(stoked!)
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