I unexpectedly found a friend at art school in possession of a book I've wanted to read for a while now. For those who don't know it's an account of Rollins' experiences singing and touring in the band Black Flag and it's had me pretty gripped today. I'm sure I've heard Rollins say in some past interviews stuff like you wouldn't last a day in Black Flag and I thought...yeah o-k! however I'm hardly even half way through it and I doubt I would have coped too well. So far the book has been an interesting insight into his life and personality at the time and also the lessons he learnt on the road. I look forward to his spoken word show at the Uea early next year.
"I was very young and had a lot to learn about how people were and how the real world worked. I found out big time. Often in large doses I might have been unready for. I did the best I could."
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