Saturday, 31 October 2009
Everything sucks.
It's been a busy blogging evening however I wanted to include this as I love this song. Oh I also saw a guy wearing Descendents Vans today at work!
Anchors aweigh!

On friday I made my way to the Uea to see these guys play with Billy Talent and Canterbury. Cancer Bats are one of my all time favourite bands so I was stoked! My friend Ollie described it perfectly when they were playing "these guys are killing it!", I couldn't have said it better myself. Hail destroyerrrrrrrrrrr!

The Kabeedies had their album launch at the Waterfront on Thursday. I've kept it a little quiet but I worked on the album artwork over the summer. It was exciting to send it all off, have somebody else put it together and then all presented when I walked into the show. I did the wallpaper background while I was on holiday in La Palma (Spain). At one point it was pretty stressful as I didn't feel confident drawing patterns and it was a boiling evening (if you look at some parts of the wallpaper you can see where my pen exploded due to the heat). I thought I heard some kids talking about it at the show and tried to eavesdrop however I couldn't make out what they were saying. My Dad joked they might have been saying how much they love the band but hate the artwork, haha maybe they were! either way it was strange but cool seeing so many people holding something I had worked on. Thanks must go out to my tutor Mr Sapey, Craig Hill and of course the lovely Kabeedies.
Saturday, 24 October 2009
Yesterday was a pleasant day, a long one yet fun. I treated myself to a couple extra hours in bed because I thought I may be staying out late. My good friend Ollie invited me out to Mustard and informed me that Jack would be doing a hardcore/punk dj set. I don't often enjoy going out to clubs especially as I work at weekends however I thought it would be nice to hang with friends and also hear some decent music while out for once. I spent most of the day drawing and hanging out in the studio. I had a drink at the Playhouse with some friends from Dogfish and afterwards caught up with Mr Ollie Brooks to see the band "Dananananaykroyd" play at the arts centre. I hadn't heard much beforehand but live they were fantastic, very energetic, catchy, fun and friendly (one of the singers came into the crowd and starting hugging people). They also complimented my wolf jumper which I appreciated! I forced myself to finish off a film I had in my fisheye camera so I'm going to try to develop it next week. After the show we made our way to Mustard and saw many friendly faces. The only thing that I didn't enjoy was the fact it was so difficult to talk to people. I swear I have the worst voice for talking to people in those situations and I can only just make out what people say. Despite that I had a good laugh with good company. I said my goodbyes and made my way to get a taxi. When I got to the taxi rank it was full of men I assumed were waiting for cars, they turned out however to be the drivers. I said I wanted to go to Postwick and straight away a guy headed out the door, I was briefly unsure if this was my ride and one of the other drivers said something stupid like "yeah you might want to follow him mate, he's the driver" to which the others found really funny. I didn't find it that offensive or anthing but some people have the worst sense of humour and will obviously laugh at anything. The driver turned out to be a really interesting guy who used to be a professional bike racer.
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Wednesday, 21 October 2009
We'll show the demons for what they are.

It was my payday recently so I treated myself to these earlier in the week. I was unsure about buying the Lewd Acts one as I didn't enjoy them very much when I saw them live and it cost £14 which I think is a little steep for a cd however I'm glad I did as it's a great album. I'm keen on the artwork and I find the lyrics really interesting "My father was a locomotive and though he didn't smoke his hands were made of steel. His chest was full of coal. I don't follow in his tracks". I'd like to see them play again after hearing this.
As for the Converge album, I've not listened to it enough yet. When I find more than one cd I want and have enough pennies I usually spend spend spend yet sometimes albums get neglected once bought. I've always found Converge difficult to get into so I shouldn't be all that suprised. I'm a fan of the title track and "Dark Horse" also on this one they have a song that seems to sound a little like Tom Waits and apparently Kurt Ballou plays glockenspiel at some point! I look forward to giving it more of a listen and hearing any other suprises it might have.
Monday, 19 October 2009
Wednesday, 14 October 2009
Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Rise Above

I unexpectedly found a friend at art school in possession of a book I've wanted to read for a while now. For those who don't know it's an account of Rollins' experiences singing and touring in the band Black Flag and it's had me pretty gripped today. I'm sure I've heard Rollins say in some past interviews stuff like you wouldn't last a day in Black Flag and I thought...yeah o-k! however I'm hardly even half way through it and I doubt I would have coped too well. So far the book has been an interesting insight into his life and personality at the time and also the lessons he learnt on the road. I look forward to his spoken word show at the Uea early next year.
"I was very young and had a lot to learn about how people were and how the real world worked. I found out big time. Often in large doses I might have been unready for. I did the best I could."
Monday, 12 October 2009
"Got my friends, got my songs, got it out and I'm moving on"

I hope when I pass away I own an insanely huge music collection which I can pass onto my grandchildren.
Friday, 9 October 2009
Sunday, 4 October 2009
The First Days of Spring

I saw these guys play the Waterfront this evening. I felt unsure how their sound would be live however it turned out really well. Despite sitting around by myself which was boring as hell and people complaining about the fact they didn't play "5 Years Time" it was excellent. In my mind "The First Days of Spring" is underrated.
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Thursday, 1 October 2009
Good day for music shopping!
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