After work on Sunday I got a train to Ipswich then a bus to Newbury park then finally the tube to Liverpool Street (thankfully all went smoothly!). I stayed at my Grandma's house with her and my Aunt which was nice as always, they're such good hosts.

Monday I spent most of the day wandering around Regent street trying not to walk into anybody and checking out shops. As always I searched for music I wouldn't be able to pick up in Norwich. Oddly it took me a while to find stuff I wanted however below is what I bought in the end...goodbye money but hello folk/positive hardcore/dirty blues/metal soundtrack.

In the evening I made my way to The Garage to see Set Your Goals. I felt self conscious at times which made me feel uncomfortable. I think I often feel that way around large groups of people however apart from that and annoyingly forgetting some lyrics it was excellent. I have a lot of love for this band and I'm certainly not alone! They played almost every song I wanted to hear, my favourite being Echoes and also Summer Jam was a good'un...I was looking forward to singing "I'm just trying to get my smoothie on dawg" for ages!! It was really nice to hang with friends from back home and elsewhere too (always nice to see friendly faces!). I briefly spoke to Matt (one of the vocalists for SYG) after the show and embarrassingly found myself pretty star struck. Worn out I hoarsely told him that I really enjoyed seeing them play and that I love the new album to which he gratefully thanked me and shook my hand, after that I didn't know what else to say! I would have liked to have spoken to him beforehand so I could have more eloquently put into words just how much his band's music means to me however I think he appreciated my comments and understood my shyness. I look forward to seeing them when they tour again (they're coming back at the end of the year!)

I always seem to get really annoying people loudly commenting on how sweaty I look after shows. Got back to my Gran's house after getting confused about which tubes to get. Enjoyed a cold Pepsi max and pizza while watching Six Feet Under (nearly finished series 1!).
Woke up bright and early so I could look around Camden quickly. Sadly All Ages records was shut however I might have a look saturday as I'm going back to see Polar Bear Club at The Underworld.
It's a busy time for gigs right now. After my train home and a quick rest I went to see Bane play the Marquee.

(photo by Jan Urant-Bane in Norwich 07)

Gold Kids started first- I found a lot of their songs sounded similer however I enjoyed it and the song "Island Disease" was fantastic!
Lewd Acts- I was pretty unsure what to make of these guys. They're set was definitely interesting, the singer stalked around the room in such a creepy way and threw his microphone around seemingly without a care while the guitarist or bassist bashed into people. Most people I spoke to really seemed to dig it however the pushing people around bothered me. I'm going to have a little moan separate from this because it's not as though they were intentionally kicking people in the teeth or anything and I feel they played really well and seemed friendly speaking to people after their set.
Getting pushed around is something I expect at shows, it's just part of it and it's just something you learn to deal with or should stay out of the way but I'm torn on the subject because part of me gets it must be so dull and sad playing to a bunch of people who stand around while you're giving it your all, it's exciting to have an element of danger and its fun to just go crazy. On the other side I feel people might do it to feel cool and that really pushing people around shouldn't be acceptable because it's fucking annoying if you're not up for it. Some of my friends (many which have much respect for) jump around into people at shows and it's not like I hold it against them, I guess it's just not my thing. Another thing that gets to me is when people complain about what other people do while watching a band. People pay money to go to a show and want to have a good time so why can't they fucking do whatever they please. It's not necessary for everyone to move around. In my mind it's better to care less what other people are doing and just have a good time!
I really enjoyed seeing Bane play for the 3rd time. They headlined one of the first hardcore shows I went to when Mike Darkside put them on in Norwich back in 2007. The majority of the crowd didn't seem that into it this time however I tried to put my inhibitions aside and sang my heart out when I could remember the lyrics. In my mind they have some brilliant songs and the positive message they send out means a lot to me. Once again it was nice to hang out with friendly people and enjoy one of my favourite bands and some really rad supports.
Today I had a chilled out day with my brother. We went for a subway and to Vue to watch The Final Destination. He was a little freaked out at the start as I stupidly told him it was going to be scary however in reality it's a pretty silly film which is hardly different from the last three but still entertaining.

If you've read this far..thankyou!
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