I forgot to mention I saw one of my all time favourite bands for the final time this summer (Have Heart are playing their last show in Boston on the 17th). This band have had a real impact on my life, cementing values which I hope I always consider important and inspiring will to overcome problems in my life. No doubt that may sound cheesy but I feel emotional distress can be a truly crippling thing and the way words and instruments work together have a profound effect on many people. What I mean is when it's put into context for example when you're feeling the weight of the world and you listen to a song the words sound different to how they would be read. The first time I saw them play was in a pub which was almost overflowing with people. I don't think I had ever been to a show without a stage before, hardcore and the principles surrounding it were an unknown and exciting thing to me. I imagine myself still loving this band when I'm old and grey and look forward to reflecting on the words I shouted at the top of my voice when I was a kid (even now I'm especially fond of those memories).
"and for this gift I don't deserve to get, I'll make damn sure I earn this."