Today I went to the countryside near Spixworth with Tim and his Dad to find snakes. Tim's Dad has had an interest in looking for snakes since his teens which were spent living abroad (I've forgotten exactly where). Shortly after leaving my house Tim informed me his old man lost one of his index fingers after some trouble with a nasty venomous serpent in his youth and I started worrying exactly what I'd let myself in for! This feeling was doubled when I was warned about ticks...pretty much all I could think about was "ticks ticks ticks!!!" and while I was looking where to step and trying not to fall over I was considering where the ticks would be.."I bet there are loads of ticks in this dry grass bit, better not linger", as if I knew anything about them except I didn't want them on me! yes I am a bit of a coward. Despite my freaking out, being followed by one angry fly with a vendetta, the crazy heat and the fact we didn't find any snakes it was a fun adventure!
mini feet project/idea...probably not very original but I enjoyed doing it.
Afterwards we went back to their house, drank some cold drinks, sat in the garden and Tim showed me some of his travel slides which were amazing! looking forward to doing some travelling myself!
Rad times!

just to let you know Chopping, there's a few conservation areas in Suffolk/Norfolk which are now home to wild ponies. You're lucky you got to see them, they can be pretty ellusive!x