I had a crazy/funny/scary dream last night. I was hanging out with my brother near the train bridge in Postwick, the sky was dark and scattered with two types of huge flying beast(Nazgul's from The Lord of the Rings and winged Tyrannosaurus rex). One of the Rex's spotted us and flew full speed in our direction. My brother fell over and I assume he was eaten (sorry bro!). I ran and hid and then the dream skipped to my bedroom where some of my friends were hanging out and one of them was hiding underwater (somehow!?) using a straw to breathe. Next time I want to hide from a flying dinosaur I'm going to try that technique!
This morning I received a very nice letter. Inside it had drawings, a photobooth photo (I have an interest in collecting them) and also a sketchbook for drawing to send back and forth in future letters. Somebody knows me very well and if you read this thankyou! One of the drawings is proudly displayed on my bedroom wall and the rest will be treasured in my box of important letters.

I attempted to make pancakes this morning/lunchtime. First time in ages I've cooked from scratch. I almost didn't put enough flour in, putting the butter in a overheated saucepan seemed to be a bad idea and the first one looked horrible (no beginners luck for me). The second however seemed to go more to plan (pictured). The last one ended up being really thick because I used the rest of the batter I had left over and happened to feel a little full as a result. I didn't throw up so I consider my cooking a success however I do have a new appreciation of food that isn't cooked by me.

I bought a new pair of Vans. Taking some getting used to but I like them.

I also picked up one of "Bob's" albums (it sounds rad).

In other news my parents got home from seeing Mr Taylor for the 3rd time. I've been told he was on top form (as always) and my Mum is determined to meet him next time.

Nice people, pancakes, Vans and Bob = Good Day