Yesterday was good! I started out pretty lazy like most of my days so far this week but it was enjoyable.
I ate peanut butter & jam on toast for breakfast which due to the fact Kellogg's Crunchy Honey and Nut Clusters never seem to last very long in my house has become my routine choice.
I watched an episode of Smallville followed by One Tree Hill (again this seems to have become my late morning routine) then I wrote some more of my Utopia essay...I think I'm up to 1800 words...it's going ok! definitely beats doing it the night before.
had a little siesta which was ace!
around 5 I headed out to see my friend's exhibition at the Stew gallery near the art school.
I wish I had taken my camera along to show some of their stuff...they produced a variety of work such as interesting collages mixing photographs with shapes and a "portable rockstar booth" (a marquee which projected the silhouettes of people dancing inside)

I drank a free beer (as it was a "private view"), chatted to friends, had a laugh at people throwing out some amazing dance moves in the "rockstar booth" then decided it was time to make a move to go see Gallows at the Uea.
got there pretty much dead on 7.30...wandered in and straight to the merch...I had planned to buy a Rolo Tomassi shirt and their cd "Hysterics" but they didn't have any smalls and I've made the mistake of buying too many YL shirts.
the cd however sounds really good and I enjoyed their set.
Every Time I Die got a good reaction from the crowd and put on a good show! I wasn't their biggest fan beforehand but I'm going to try to listen to The Big Dirty more from now on.
despite hardly hearing any of Grey Britain I really enjoyed Gallows' set...they played a nice mix of the newer and old material.
a couple of my favourite moments were singing along to Gold Dust shortly before falling over and when they had about five people on stage playing snare drums which sounded great!
hung out with some good people and enjoyed all the bands!
when I got home I was in an upbeat mood so decided to finally watch Grave of the Fireflies which was a nice end to the day.
(got to bed around 2.30!)
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